Table of Contents


These applications are provided without warranty or support.


This install contains applications DuVoice uses itself for testing of the product. Some are already installed on all DV2000 systems, while others should only be installed for developer testing.

Developer Tools Download

Demo database

Forge Data

Used to forge data in the database for development testing. It can only be installed on the DV2000. It can also be used to generate valid data for things like training, sales or even load testing testing.

This application is not installed by default, but may be either installed in the devtools installer or separately here.

Forge Data Download



This is a command line application (gptest.exe) which can be used locally or remotely to simulate a remote host for services like Inventory, Room Status, or HTTPPost. This application is installed along with all DV2000 systems.


This application (resttest.exe) is installed along with all DV2000 systems. A shortcut is not created during install, however it can be run from either the DV2000 install folder or the command line.


This application (guestfill.exe) allows more automated testing to be run on headless or via other applications.

3rd Party

These tools work quite well for testing the RESTAPI and are used by DuVoice themselves.