Table of Contents

IP Office 9.1

For DuVoice 6.0 SIP please follow IP Office 10.x integration notes.

All configuration is performed from the Avaya IP Office Manager application. This application can be installed on the DuVoice system without interfering with the DuVoice operation and is suggested for easy configuration checks by DuVoice technical support.

When using multiple IP Office's at a site, you must create a new location on the DuVoice system for each of these PBX's. Then configure all the guest mailboxes located on a specific PBX within it's own location. This is necessary when configuring IP Office User Configuration under connectors so that the name and class of service changes are made to the appropriate IP Office. The Avaya User Configuration API does not currently support changing names and class of service across a solution.

Forwarding to shortcodes are unsupported in version 9.1.5 and 9.1.6 and are therefore incompatible with DuVoice for that feature.

Contact your Avaya Representative to discuss updating to 9.1.7 which resolved this issue.



Using SIP

Using Analog

PBX Configuration

When configuring an IP Office Server solution you must manage users, extensions and groups discussed here on the server and not under Solution. If you have additional IP500's connected to the solution it is suggested to manage them via that specific Server rather than under Solution as well.

Server Edition

Configuration of Server Edition is the same with the exception that it does not support Group Voicemail.

Editing Notes

IP500 Edition

IP500 supports all the features of Server Edition plus support for Group Voicemail.

Voicemail Support

If you intend on using the DuVoice as the Voicemail, then you must enable Group Voicemail.

Messages Button Goes To Visual Voice
This must be unchecked. It can only be unchecked if the Voicemail Type is not Group Voicemail.

Voicemail Type
Set to Group Voicemail.

Voicemail Destination
Choose the group for the voicemail.

Security Settings

These changes must be made by logging into the security configuration of the PBX using Avaya IP Office Manager located under File | Advanced | Security Settings….


Login using the security account.
Default Service User Name: security
Default User Password: securitypwd


Service Security Level
Select Unsecure + Secure.

Security Access Source
Select Unrestricted.

Certificate Update

The IP Office name change interface requires a valid certificate on the IP Office. This certificate expires every three years automatically. If they DuVoice system was changing names and suddenly stops the certificate is most likely the cause.

  1. Choose Certificates Tab on the right.
  2. Click View.
    Check the expiration date. In this example you can see the expiration date of 02/14/2015.
  3. Click Ok.
    • Note: If the certificate has expired click Delete.
    • WARNING: If you press Delete the PBX will drop all calls and may be unavailable for up to 5 minutes.
  4. Save the settings.

Using SIP

If you will be using SIP extensions to connect the DuVoice system to the PBX, follow these steps.


SIP Registrar settings can be configured for either LAN1 connection, typically only LAN1 is used however. When configuring the DuVoice you will use the IP address of the LAN port you enabled the registrar for.

Enable SIP Registrar

SIP Registrar Enable
This must be checked.

UDP Port
This must should be 5060 (default).

TCP Port
This must should be 5060 (default). DuVoice does not use TCP by default.

Auto-create Extn/User
This field should be unchecked for most installations for additional security.


A SIP extension must be created for each line of DuVoice.


Base Extension
Enter an extension number for the DuVoice line.

Force Authorization
This checkbox needs to be UNCHECKED


For added security this field can be checked and each line configured to login with a username/password. The default IP Office realm for SIP is ipoffice.


IP Address
Leave this field as (default).

Codec Selection
Choose Custom and only add G.711 ULAW 64K and G.711 ALAW 64K. These are the only codecs supported by DuVoice.

Re-invite Supported
Check this field.

Allow Direct Media Path
This field is optional. If you are using multiple networks or encounter breakup of speech this field should be unchecked.

Reserve License
Suggest this field be set to Reserve 3rd party IP endpoint license to insure the DuVoice retains it's SIP license.

Fax Transport Support
DuVoice does not support FAX via SIP therefore this field should be set to None.

DTMF Support
Choose RFC2833/RFC4733 (default). If the system encounters issues with hearing DTMF set this to Inband.


A User must be created for each extension created.


Enter a unique name for this user.

Full Name
Enter a unique name for this user. It is suggested to include the site name rather than DuVoice in case callers have a phone with a display as in this example for Sound Casino.

Enter the extension number to associate with this user.


Confirm Voicemail On is unchecked for this user.


Call Settings

Call Waiting On
Check this feature. If this is unchecked the DuVoice system will not be able to transfer calls.

Supervisor Settings

If Force Authorization was enabled for the extension, enter a login code and check Force Login. By default these fields should be blank and unchecked.

Button Programming

Remove all line appearances expect for Button 1.

Using Analog

If you will be using analog extensions to connect the DuVoice system to the PBX, follow these steps.


An extension must be created for each line on the DuVoice.

Equipment Classification
Select IVR Port. This will give the DuVoice system positive disconnects.


A User must be created for each extension created.


Enter a unique name for this user.

Full Name
Enter a unique name for this user. It is suggested to include the site name rather than DuVoice in case callers have a phone with a display as in this example for Sound Casino.

Enter the extension number to associate with this user.


Confirm Voicemail On is unchecked for this user.


Supervisor Settings

Verify Login Code is blank and Force Login is unchecked (default).

Button Programming

Remove all line appearances expect for Button 1.


Create a huntgroup for the DuVoice lines.


Give this group a unique name.

Enter a huntgroup number. This number should be programmed as the voicemail button on any analog phones.

Ring Mode
Must be set to Sequential to be used as a Group Voicemail destination.

User List
Enter the users created for the DuVoice lines.


This feature should not be enabled.


It is suggested to create a group for the operators and set the overflow to be directed towards that group.


This feature should not be enabled for this group.

Voice Recording

This feature should not be enabled for this group.


This feature should not be enabled for this group.

Short Codes

When configuring shortcodes for IPO Server Edition, these shortcodes should be configured at the Solution level.

Message Waiting

ShortCode for MWI ON

Telephone Number
N";Mailbox Msgs=1"

ShortCode for MWI OFF

Telephone Number
N";Mailbox Msgs=0"

DuVoice Configuration

Then using System Configuration edit the active Integration template and set the MWI On and off codes to the following.

= MWI On commands =

= MWI Off commands =

DND / Call Forwarding

DuVoice recommends not using DND as it will not forward calls destined for a guest to be directed to the DuVoice system. In this case the caller will simply hear a busy tone.

When using call forwarding the huntgroup number of the DuVoice must be set as the Forward Number for each guest.

Call Forward On


Either Forward Unconditional On or DO Not Disturb On.

Telephone Number

Call Forward Off


Either Forward Unconditional Off or DO Not Disturb Off.

Telephone Number

DuVoice Configuration

Next edit c:\duvoice\database\sysconfig.ini and under the Notification section set Restrict Phone= to *98*%e* and Unrestrict Phone= to *99*%e*.

Restrict Phone=*98*%e*
Unrestrict Phone=*99*%e*

Add the RestrictPhone and UnrestrictPhone notification template to each guest mailbox.


By default the DuVoice assigns the operator mailbox extension “0”. This will be dialed for transfers to the operator, Failed wakeup alerts, and possible 911 Emergency alerts. Avaya IP Office does not have a 0 extension by default. It is required to configure a shortcode that will direct calls to 0 to the appropriate extension or huntgroup. This will normally be the reception desk. The following example sends 0 to huntgroup 501.

Multiple IP Office Forwarding

If you are using IP Office Server Edition with multiple IP Offices at a single site follow these steps for creating a shortcode for forwarding remote guests to the DuVoice.

A shortcode is used to forward users from another IP Office when the DuVoice extensions are not on the same pbx. This is because the IP Office does not provide called party information to forwarded extensions.

This will only work when using SIP or TAPI integration.

Hospitality Maid Codes (Optional)

This short code will allow staff to dial maid codes directly.

Staff / Guests

For staff and guest phones using the DuVoice as their voicemail follow these steps.

Server Edition

Follow these steps if the DuVoice resides on a Server Edition regardless if the user does or not.



Ensure the Voicemail On checkbox is unchecked.


Forward Unconditional
This should be unchecked. This field will be automatically checked by the DuVoice system when if using Call Forward all rather than DND.

Forward Number
Enter the group number created for the DuVoice.

Forward Hunt Group Calls
Check this box.

Forward Internal Calls
Check this box.

Forward On Busy
Check this box.

Forward On No Answer
Check this box.

Forward Number
Enter the short code created for forwarding, default is *67.

Forward Internal Calls
Check this box.

IP500 Edition



If the Voicemail under System was set to Group Voicemail check the “Voicemail On” box. This will allow all digital phones with a Messages button to call the DuVoice system when pressed and forward all calls not answered to the DuVoice group.

User Rights

For hospitality systems at least two User Rights groups must be created.

Create the desired number of user rights templates for guests in various states. By default the DuVoice uses the names RESTRICTED for rooms which are checked out and UNRESTRICTED for those which are checked in.

These names are case-sensitive.

DuVoice Configuration

If your system was purchased from DuVoice you can skip the Installation of Dialogic and the DuVoice software and go directly to Setup Wizard. For Kit installations you must install Dialogic HMP followed by the DuVoice software.

Install Dialogic HMP

Before DuVoice software can be installed, the Dialogic HMP drivers must being installed and configured. Dialogic HMP installation steps

Using SIP

If your system was purchased from DuVoice you can skip the Installation of Dialogic and the DuVoice software and go directly to Setup Wizard. For Kit installations you must install Dialogic HMP followed by the DuVoice software.

Name Changes

From the DuVoice server, open DuVoice System Configuration. Select Features>Connectors.

Select IP Office>User Configuration. This connector is used to establish a Configuration Web Service connection to IP Office, for update of guest user names and user rights template.

Check this box.

IP Address
Enter the IP address of the IP Office.

Service User Name
Enter the username to use for access. Default is Administrator.

Service User Password
Enter the password to use for access. Default is Administrator.

Unless this has been changed on the IP Office it should be set to 50805 (default).

Enter the number of retries in case of failure.

IP Office Server Edition
If the IP Office is a Server Edition check this box.

Driver Installed
Click install to install the correct driver version. If your version of IP Office is not listed, download HERE to see if it has been added. If not you will need to contact DuVoice support.

This configuration is only necessary if using Emergency Alerts. The system can support up to 10 individual IP Office systems.

Check this box to enable EAS support.

Enter the password to use for access. Default is password.

IP address
Enter the IP address of the IP Office to monitor.

Multiple Extensions

In cases where a room may contain multiple phones, each with their own extension these steps are suggested. This setup will support both message waiting and name change for each extension.

Each room in the Property Management System (PMS) is configured as hunt group in the IP Office. This should match the primary extension for the room. This hunt group number should also equal the rooms mailbox number.

PBX Configuration

Create a hunt group which contains each extension in the room.

DuVoice Configuration

The system by default has has a template for Message Waiting On/Off, in order to light the Message Waiting indicators for all the rooms extension you will need to create new templates for the maximum number of extensions in any room. In this example each room has two extensions.

From Mailbox Administration choose Templates | Notifications.

Perform this same copy for MWI Off and set the Address number the same. Repeat these steps for every additional extension in the room increasing the Address number each time.

From the room, in this example 7114, choose Address List. Edit MWI 0, and enter the first extension number. Add Additional addresses for each extension.

Choose Notifications, add the new templates you created to the list. This list may only contain 10 events, if you need to add more choose Map to DTMF and add them there.

Record A Call

Using this shortcode you can record a call by conferencing in the DuVoice by dialing this shortcode. The message will be automatically deposited in the mailbox matching the extension which dialed the shortcode. You can replace the E with an a mailbox of your choice as well.

This will only work when using SIP or TAPI integration.

Trouble Shooting

Name Changes

Failure for the system to perform name changes can be linked to several problems. These are the most typical reasons why name changes will fail.

Another cause of failure is because names contain unicode or accented characters which the Avaya does not like.

The Avaya SDK used to perform these changes is not always compatible with older versions of IP Office. If you feel this might be the case you can try to copy the older DLL's from the older version of IP Office Manager. The voicemail must be shutdown to perform this action.

Copy the following DLL's from your IP Office Manager folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Avaya\IP Office\Manager) to the DuVoice folder (C:\duvoice). It is strongly suggested you make a backup of the existing versions in case this does not resolve the issue.

DND Disables forwarding

This is a problem with the Avaya TAPI driver which is used to enable/disable DND for a user. This is typically not a problem, however when using forwarding on users rather than configuring the DuVoice system as the voicemail it can occur.

Using System Configuration, goto Features | Connectors | IP Office and check Disable support for DND.

DND for room phones will no longer work, but can be substituted by configuring additional User Rights groups.

Message Button Fails

On upgrades and by default the IP Office is configured so that the message button sends user to visual voicemail rather than the voicemail system defined.

Note: The message button cannot be used on Server Edition because it does not support voicemail of type group. If using a non-server edition the steps below can be used to resolve it.

  1. Login to IP Office Administration.
  2. Go to the System settings.
  3. Click on Voicemail tab
  4. Uncheck “Messages Button Goes to Visual Voice”. You may need to set the voicemail type to something besides “Group Voicemail” if it’s disabled long enough to uncheck the box.
  5. Save changes and merge the configuration.

Date and times in logs

The IP office monitor application is really nice, however it has one major flaw in that it will not time/date stamp the entries.

You can change this behavior by checking the following two fields on the System tab.

Prefix YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss:mss
Date/Time Periodic Prints

MWI Light goes on then immediately goes off

This is typically caused because the extension is configured for voicemail and the DuVoice is not the primary voicemail. Typically the IP Office is configured to use it's own voicemail and when the DuVoice sends a code to turn the light on it will do it, but then immediately turn it off because the IP Office's internal message queue for the extension says it has no messages.

The fix in this case is to disable voicemail for the extension. If this is done you must confirm that the extension is using forwarding in order for the DuVoice to act as it's voicemail mailbox. If the extension is to use the IP Office for it's voicemail you must delete the mailbox which corresponds with this extension in the DuVoice or disable voicemail in mailbox's class of service.

Calling system gives Fast Busy

Typically this is due to the fact the system does not have Voice Compression Module.

Wakeup calls forward to VM

The recommended no answer time is 25 seconds.