Table of Contents



Feature Description
Class of service Yes via dial policy
Direct calls Yes
Call forward RNA/Busy integration Yes
MWI Direct to phone only.
Name changes Yes, first and last names.



PBX Configuration

SNAPsolution Configuration

Create an OAuth Client ID and Secret

Each DuVoice system will require a Client ID and Secret, create a Client ID and Secret for the DuVoice system with these directions.

Create Domain

Create the domain for the hotel as any other domain.

Create DuVoice User

The DuVoice system needs a user to register and access the API.

  1. Create a user with the following properties
    • Office Manager Scope.
    • Ensure “Add Phone Extension” is checked.
  2. After creating the user
    • Edit the user.
    • Go to the Phones tab.
    • Edit the device.
    • Copy down the values from the “Settings” box.

Create Dial Translation for VMail

In the domain dial translation table, create a rule like follows (leave other fields default):

Settings Description
Source *
Destination VMail
Application To Device Add Header
Application Parameter Diversion: <LT>sip:<OwnUser>@<OwnDomain><GT>;reason=no-answer;
Destination User Translation DuVoice User created in previous step
Destination Host Translation <OwnDomain>
Source Host Translation <OwnDomain>

CDR Exporter (Optional)

This step is only needed when call accounting is being used. The call accounting software will reside on the DuVoice system, a port forward from the firewall will be needed to allow for uploading CDR records to the DuVoice system on the LAN.

In Core Admin UI go to System > CDR Export > CDR Schedule, Complete the following fields.

Settings Description
Schedule name name of the schedule (any value).
Domain Name of the hotel’s domain.
Period How often to send CDRs (5 is a good value for regular updates before checkout).
Include Header yes
Show Inbound yes
Show Outbound yes
Export Method ftp upload
Hostname WAN IP/FQDN of the DuVoice/Call Accounting Server.
  1. Click Create to make the new export schedule.
  2. Edit the schedule you just created and set the Next Run Time for the time and date it should start running.

Emergency Notification (Optional)

Hotels commonly want notification when and from which room an emergency (911) call was placed. See this document for information how to set up emergency notification.

DuVoice Configuration


Choose Other \ SIP Enabled PBX

Profile Configuration


Settings Description
PBX Choose Netsapiens

All these setting must be supplied by Netsapiens.

Settings Description
Server URL URL to post changes. Trailing slash is typically required.
OAuth URL URL for authentication using OAuth. Trailing slash is typically required.
Username Required username for login.
Password Required password for login.
Domain Domain all users are located in.
OAuthID OAuth ID.
Secret OAuth secret key.
Retries Number of retires before failure.
Interval (seconds) Number of seconds to wait between retries.
Timeout (seconds) Number of seconds to wait for response from server.

SIP Configuration

PBX Settings

Settings Description
Port This port number may change, in our testing it was 5092.
Domain Name Domain name lines are associated with.
Register expire time Set this to 60.
Realm Realm the line is a member.
Transport Protocol Default UDP.
Register using Choose Domain Name.


Regardless of the number of lines the DuVoice is configured for only a single line registers and all extension fields should match. For line one only, enter the extension, account, and password to the line with register with.