{{indexmenu_n>60}} ====== Paging ====== The actions listed in this section relate to scheduling pager notifications for the current mailbox. **Any choice listed here that does not appear in the selection box can be typed in manually.** The table below provides a brief overview of each action, listing the action, an example, and a brief description. More detailed descriptions are provided in the sections that follow. ^Action^Example(s)^Description^ |//Page//|''Page''\\ ''Page 5551234''|Schedules a pager notification for all active relay page notification templates assigned to the current mailbox. Optional digits after the word //Page// (and a space) will be sent as part of the pager display text.| |//Relay Page//|''Relay Page''|Prompts caller for a callback number, then schedules a pager notification for the current mailbox //(requires the mailbox to have at least one active relay page notification template assigned)//.| ===== Page ===== The Page option is used to schedule one or more pager notifications for the current mailbox, using the digits provided for the pager display text. //Including digits for the pager display is optional.// If they are not specified, the system will attempt to use the caller ID instead. To specify the digits you want sent, type a space after the ''e'' in 'Page' and then type in one or more valid DTMF digits. **Any non-DTMF digits or characters will be stripped out of the string.** **The 7.00 will automatically add the mailbox number followed by an asterisk at the beginning of the pager display string.** __Example__: ''Page'' \\ In this example, if the mailbox is 420, then pager display string will be set to ''420*'' followed by the caller ID digits, if known. __Example__: ''Page 5551234'' \\ In the second example, again assuming the mailbox is 420, the pager display string will be set to ''420*5551234''. When scheduling the pager notification, 7.00 will schedule a page for every active notification template assigned to the mailbox that both has the event type //Relay Page// and uses the technique //Relay Page//. ===== Relay Page ===== The Relay Page option is used when you want to query the caller for a callback number and then schedule a pager notification using that number as the pager display text. After getting the callback number from the caller, the system will schedule a pager notification for the first active notification template it finds where the event trigger is //Relay Page// and the notification technique is also //Relay Page//. If no active template of the correct type is found, the notification will not be sent.