Emergency Alert System
The Emergency Alert System (EAS) monitors call traffic and identify all calls made to 911 in real time.
- Unlimited number of PBXs can be monitored.
- Unlimited number of stations to alert.
- Unlimited number of emergency numbers (non-SNMP only).
- Email notification.
- Automated call out.
- Voice message notification.
- Pager notification.
- Slack notification.
- Email templates per-language.
- Optional custom email templates per-mailbox.
- Optional custom email templates per-alert number.
- IP Office 3.0 or above.
- CTI Pro license for each IP Office, unless using SNMP.
- DuVoice EAS feature on license.
- SMTP Server for email alerts.
- One or more channels of voice for call outs.
- Asterisk AMI Call monitor
- 3rd Party sending alerts via REST API.
The emergency alert system logs all numbers and actions, via Trace Display, either in the IP Office EAS server log (file prefix: IPOEAS
) if you are using DevLink or in the SNMP EAS log (file prefix: SNMPEAS
) if you are using SNMP.
- Add a normal extension to the Alert Numbers list (and remove 911) to test alerts. When you are satisfied everything is working you may remove the test number and re-add 911.
- If using email alerts, test your SMTP before attempting an email alert.
- If using voice alerts and/or email alerts, add an email address to the mailbox and a message delivery event. Then use DV2000 Manager to send this mailbox a message. VeMail will send the message to the recipient, verifying both email and voice notification.